Thursday, June 28, 2012

Leap of Ages! An Art Comparison

While watching Ducktales last night, it hit me how much I love these shows. 28 (almost) and I'm enjoying myself still! I was glad to know that we still have all these shows on tape/DVD and that I could someday show them to my kids.

Then I got to thinking about some other shows and how I wanted and tried so much to draw my favourite characters, but it was just SO HARD.

On a lark I decided to draw Darkwing Duck entirely from memory. Just to do it.
I wasn't 100% on model, but I was pretty dang close! I'd say about... 92%. And I'm being really nitpicky over tiny details.
Now, compare this to LittleAlex's efforts (Which I had already scanned and uploaded to an old, dead DA account for laughs, hence the text);
Teeny tiny bit of a difference.

I know I'm still learning (it never stops!) and I accept that I'm not the best, but it's nice to stop and think how much I'm capable of creating now. If I could go back and show these things to my younger self I think LittleAlex's brain would explode!

In short: Even though you feel like you're not getting far with your work, keep creating. Don't stop. Then one day, take a look back and see the miles you've put behind you! And then... keep going!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Working Sand

Just thought I'd post a WIP for kicks I took the other day.
Is that a pun because there's feet involved?

Anyway... this is a beach scene! So a lot of sand is involved (WHAT?!) The screenshop on top is more of a starter one, and the one on the bottom is more complete (with some tweaks)

I'm just pleased with how it's turning out so far. Man, I remember when I first discovered the multiply option many many moons ago.

Photoshop, you've come a long way with what you can do.  And so have I! Just a bit anyway.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Team Good

Almost forgot to post this! 
To end the anticipation of City of Lost Souls, I collaborated with fellow artist Street Angel on this final poster image!

It was supposed to have been done in time to be released with the book, but we didn't quite make it. Instead, she was able to print it out and get a copy signed by Cassandra Clare herself at her recent UK tour! The signed poster will be put on auction soon and the money made will be given to the "Reading is Fundamental" charity. 

Street Angel and I worked on this image together, but to be more specific as to who did what, here is a breakdown, starting from left to right:
  • Isabelle, Simon- Sketched, inked, and coloured by me
  • Clary- Sketched, inked, coloured by Street Angel
  • Jace- Sketch, inked, and coloured by me
  • Magnus- Sketched, inked, coloured by Street Angel
  • Alec- Sketched, inked, coloured by Street Angel
  • Background was composited both by me and Street Angel. She also handled the text! 
 Once the auction is completed, we'll allow ourselves to post the full, unwatermaked version online- gotta give folks incentive to bid, yes?